Resource Center Resource Center News and Highlights Revised signed EOI for selection of NGPRsFinal presentations indicating the final selected Non Govt PRs for the upcoming Global Fund grant cy...Presentation made by India CCMFinal draft RoD of 89th India CCM meeting dated 14th August 2023EOI for Nomination to Oversight Committee, India CCM for term (2024-2026)Cadre-wise Courses on NTEPD.O. letter availability of cadre-wise trainingGuidelines and Norms for STDCs, in NTEP, Central TB Division, MoHFW, Government of India 2023Corrigendum 1 - Extn of dates for bids submission and Technical Bids Opening Corrigendum 2 - Extn of dates for bids submission and Technical Bids Opening Advisory from DDG-TB to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on NTEP DO. AS & DG - Technical Advisories to State & UTs for TuberculosisJob Descriptions for NTSU openings Corrigendum 3- Extn of dates for bids submission and Technical Bids OpeningNi-kshay Patrika Volume I Issue IV Jan-March 2021 Final Result of 4 STSUs under NTEPGuidance Document on Community Engagement under National Tuberculosis Elimination ProgrammeCorporate TB PledgeIndia TB Report 2022National TB Prevalence Survey in India 2019 - 2021